This is the BEST Thanksgiving Ever!
Not because of a big bird, stuffing or savory gravy on perfect mashed potatoes. The secret sauce that makes this season just right is the delicious gravy of gratitude.
Gratitude for waking wide-eyed and blessed, yet again, for another chance to be better today than yesterday.
Gratitude for countless, valuable moments with loved ones, old friends, true blue clients and brilliant new ones.
Gratitude for becoming one that listens more, and communicates better than ever before.
Gratitude for one amazing opportunity after another to learn, share, create, coach and mentor such a fantastic array of unique genius souls.
The gravy that tops every day is gratitude!
When I jump out of bed aimed at exceptional, the obstacles become opportunities.
Iโm grateful that Greatness is within reach. That itโs not my destination, itโs my decision.
Iโm grateful that I can choose Exceptional Greatness and Gratitude in every moment.
And Iโm grateful thatโs itโs all up to me.
And because of that, this Golden Thursday is another Best Day Ever!
Thanksgiving for that!